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Below are some of the acheivements that I am particularly proud of.

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Living With Grief, Chad Gardner

Sorted Men's Magazine & Other Outlets

January - April 2020

King's Kaleidoscope (KK) are an increasingly popular US Christian band, who I have followed for some time. They have had a large impact on my Christian faith and I was keen to support them with a recent UK gig. 


Working with KK's team I was able to secure Chad Gardner (lead singer) a number of UK interviews. These included major Christian radio outlets, freelance writers and conducted a short interview with Chad for Sorted Men's Magazine. Sorted has over 100,000 readers in 21 countries.


I focused on Chad's personal battle with grief, something that he has battled with for years. I felt that this would benefit many men who battle with mental health themselves, with few outlets. 


As well as the interview, I supported KK with running their Merch stall at the gig by providing a point of sale system. 


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Podcast; Sexbots & Robot Pastors

Pastor With No Answers Podcast

January 2020

Supporting Mal Fletcher, Christian Futurist and Social Commentator, I secured Mal a guest spot on the Pastor With No Answers podcast. 


Joey Svendsen, who hosts the pod, regularly interviews guests on topical issues from a faith perspective. Mal spoke on how robotics could impact the church, through robot pastors, as well as touching on the moral challenge that will be sex robots. 


This was a riskier line of conversation for both Mal and Joey, but proved a fruitful conversation that has solicited future requests. Jpey has been rebuilding the pocast after a hiatus and split from the popular Bad Christian Podcast.


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Why Care About Hong Kong?

The Metro

July 2019

Working with Benedict Rogers, of Hong Kong Watch, I secured an op-ed on the website. 


This piece was timely, with political protests taking part in Hong Kong against perceived infringement on resident's rights. Hong Kong Watch have been prominent in advocacy in the UK and I wanted to play my part in ensuring that they were heard. 


The final piece was written in it's entirety by Benedict Rogers and submitted to The Metro. 


This article was shared over 1,000 times on social media. 


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'Save The Retailery' Campaign

Local press, Social Media and Petition

December 2018

Havering Council announced that they would be withdrawing support funding for The Retailery, a much loved collection of food vendors and a co-working space in the heart of Romford. 


Utilising social media and the Romford Recorder, I secured close to 4000 signatures in support of the venue staying open. This petition forced the Council Leader to answer questions on local radio, bringing the discussion out into the open. 


The Romford Recorder produced a series of articles on The Retailery, including mentioning the petition on one of it's front pages. Unfortunately we did not convince the Council to change it's mind, but we did manage to encourage the local population to engage in the process and to rally around a local cause.


Franklin Graham Interviews

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Christian and Secular national outlets

January 29th 2018

Working closely with Franklin Graham's office, I helped secure interviews and prepare interview briefings. 


I equipped Mr Graham to speak into UK society, focusing on a lack of hope amongst the youth. I also prepared expected questions around US politics. These interviews were done against the backdrop of a small public protest to Mr Graham's planned UK visit in late 2018.


Mr Graham did a live TV interview with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, a 30 minute interview with Premier Christian Radio, various snippets with BBC News, and an interview with the Daily Mail. 


Whilst not all interviews were supportive, I ensured we handled all outlets and coverage appropriately and used social media to increase the reach of supportive content. 


Caribbean Hurricane Coverage

Samaritan's Purse

Sky News / BBC News

September 18th 2017

Hurricane Irma and Maria devastated the Caribbean in September 2018. Samaritan's Purse was one of the first organisations on the ground delivering aid. 


Approaching existing contacts within press outlets across the UK I was able to secure a number of interviews for our Executive Director - Dr. Sean Campbell. A key target was to increase Samaritan's Purse's exposure in the secular press.


Dr. Sean was interviewed on Sky New's Saturday Morning Breakfast show on September 9th. I provided Sky News with B-roll footage and we were the only organisation interviewed to have our video shown. 


Following on from the interview, and with further Hurricanes devastating the region, I made further contact with news outlets. Dr. Sean was featured on BBC Three Counties Radio and LBC London News. On September 18th Dr. Sean Campbell was on Sky News prime evening slot with anchor Dermot Murnaghan. Throughout this process, my role was to arrange these interviews and brief Dr. Sean on the expected questions. I provided research on Samaritan's Purse's response as well as updates on the storm's progress.

When Hurricane Maria hit Pureto Rico, we were established as one of the most prominent aid agencies in the region. Utilising the Sky footage, I secured interviews on BBC News for our staff on the ground.


These interviews massively increased visits and donations to Samaritan's Purse's website and relief efforts as well as providing us with a new audience, in the secular world.

Faith and Health Conference


SOAS - London

February 24th 2016

FaithAction is a Strategic Partner with the Department of Health and Public Health England. As part of this position it was tasked with bringing together the worlds of faith groups and public health. 


This took the form of the Faith and Health Conference. With over 100 delegates from across the two worlds, we held workshops and keynote speeches on how to 'Learn the Language' 'Meet and Network' and 'See Success'. A keynote was given by Alistair Burt MP, a government minister and another by Stephen Timms MP. 


I played a lead role in the conception and delivery of the conference. With a small and busy team I took charge of negotiating venue costs, ensuring catering to meet requirements of over 5 religious groups, liaising with VIPs and speakers, and ensuring the communications around the event were persuasive and informative. 


Through my leadership we saw a hugely successful conference that not only came in below budget, but above expectations. With my communication skills and focus on delegate satisfaction I was able to play a key 'firefighting' role on the day, ensuring everything ran smoothly. 


I was particularly proud of my focus on delivering personalised and effective communication with delegates. We implemented personalised welcome packs that gave directions and timings relevant to specific delegates. I introduced an electronic checking in and monitoring system for tickets and took attentive personalised care of those with requests around diets and mobility.


Despite a busy and tight schedule for FaithAction I delivered a brilliant conference that will be remembered for some time to come. With praise from the government minister and delegates I would be keen to see FaithAction repeat this success


November 2015

On the back of a relaunch of FaithAction's English language programme I took the decision to overhaul our communications and to redevelop the Creative English website. 


Working alongside the web development team I produced concepts for the site and site maps, advocating new ideas for how we can communicate effectively to our users. The website was transformed from being solely a sales portal into a library of press articles, comments and academic papers proving the concept as well as maintaining an easily accessible Members Area where our clients could log in and retrieve resources. 


Through my passion for a clear and easy to use site I directed the team using newly developed brand guidelines, giving direction on language as well as design. 


The website proved popular with those already using the programme and generated a good number of sales enquiries after promotion on social media and to our networks. Whilst I had limited web development experience I oversaw the production of a great website through management of a talented team and by bringing new directions of thinking.

Front Page Blog

Huffington Post

November 2015

I'm often driven to seek proper and adult debate in the political process, fed up of cheap attacks and blindly followed party lines. Following a campaign known as 'Tories for Corbyn', and my supporting of the Conservative Party, I decided to write a blog that achieved this mature tone of voice and debate. 


After making contact with a contact at the Huffington Post I produced a blog titled 'A Tory for Corbyn' in which I outlined what I believed to be strengths in the Labour leader. This blog was well received and was featured on the front page of the Huffington Post, one of the world's leading international new sites. 


The article wasn't entirely well received by my peers in the Conservative Party, but I was lauded by many for my ability to see positives in both sides of the debate. I have continued to produce blogs for the Huffington Post on a personal basis with another 'Homelessness is not Just for Christmas' featuring on the front of the 'Christmas Special'. 


I've used this platform to also address the combative nature of the EU referendum debate as well as to promote the work of organisations like FaithAction. Whilst some of the blogs appear to have formatting issues and not displaying as I intended, they have developed a good level of readership and I shall be producing more in the near future.


Faith Education Leaders Symposium

In partnership with The CCF

Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament

November 2014

Having benefitted from a faith-school education and knowing how it has shaped me I am keen about supporting their development and existence where I can. 


With a lot or press around 'British Values' and the impact this was going to have on faith schools I found myself becoming frustrated at the conversations happening, and those that were not. With faith press giving the Department for Education a rough ride on the legislation I decided to bring together my contacts to undertake a myth-busting session. 


Using my ability to bring people together and my excellence in networking individuals I pursued and secured a Special Advisor from the Department of Education (DofE) to be available to represent the legislation and to take questions. I gathered a room of 30 leaders from across various faiths and, with the support of The CCF, held a fantastic session that provided case work and follow up conversations with DofE.


I'm now continuing my contacts in this field and looking to continue this work, currently bringing together my new contacts and using my reputation in Parliament and the faith world to develop a follow up event. My vision is to find funders and supporters that can make this an annual conference,

TwelfthRound.Ltd trading as David Taylor PR
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